Jeremy Dueck Photography Inc.

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Calming the Markets

Over the last month I have been posting the odd article about Wall Street and our meltdown that started in the US and is rapidly spreading across the world. Why do I do it? You need to understand that the only person that cares about your money is you. Not your broker or mutual fund salesman, or financial adviser. Unless you have a signed fiduciary contract, the responsibility is all yours/mine.

In that vain I have posted articles that have shown some of the 'behind the scenes' antics of Wall Street - and how we the investing public are at a disadvantage. I find it fascinating to learn what we don't know and how they profit off of that. This is interesting and explains the wild ups and downs we've been having:

The Fed doesn't have many bullets left to rush in with to try to calm markets. They have a bit more room to move in lowering interest rates. But the big globally coordinated rate cut a few weeks ago certainly was no help in providing confidence.

But they do have increased quid pro quo arm-twisting power with brokerage firms and banks, after providing so much in rescue efforts, to ask for some market manipulation, that is for the institutions to use the power of their market-moving buy-programs to soften the decline.

Is there more to come? Who knows? I sure don't - but I have been saying the market as a whole has been over valued for a long time and when it corrects it usually over corrects and creates a great buy. That could very well be DOW 5000. Check this article out - if nothing except a history lesson. How Low Can Stocks Go


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