Jeremy Dueck Photography Inc.

Jeremy Dueck Photography - review albums, slide shows and proofs from your day


Albert Watson - Inspiration

A lot of people ask me where my inspiration comes from. How do I keep fresh, or what motivates me to shoot. Others have noticed that photography is my 'life' my passion - I live it every day. If you go back in time on this blog you'll notice I think about light all the time.

Albert Watson has always been a huge influence on my work. He is one of the great masters I have always looked up too, I absolutely love his work! (if you get a chance to see his work, remember most of it was film and the majority on 4x5).

Albert Watson defies boundaries. Most photographers are 'a wedding photographer', or 'portrait' or 'still life' photographer. Albert is a 'photographer's' photographer. It matters not what he photographs, his single-minded commitment to perfection comes through in every photo. He knows no bounds. He has been named one of the top 20 influential photographers of all time.

I couldn't agree more.

Here he talks about how he got there. My thoughts exactly.

Thanks Mr. Watson.


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