Jeremy Dueck Photography Inc.

Jeremy Dueck Photography - review albums, slide shows and proofs from your day


Home from Vegas

Well I'm back from Vegas and the biggest WPPI event that they have ever had. Apparently 12000 photographers came to Sin City to learn, share and network. It was a blast! I'll be posting some of the good times and photos from my week in the gleaming lights of Las Vegas.

Unfortunately I had an awful flight home - left Vegas at 1:00 am with a 3 hour stop in Minneapolis that turned into +4 hours because of a big snow storm. Most of the airport was delayed and I managed to get into Winnipeg around 11:25 am. What is that? 10.5 hours of travel time? That's crazy! The direct flight that Trev and Lois were on was something like 3.5 hours.

Moral - fly direct.


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