Jeremy Dueck Photography Inc.

Jeremy Dueck Photography - review albums, slide shows and proofs from your day


County Fair

A few weekends ago the local county fair came to town, happened to be the same weekend that I got my new Canon 5D camera. (starting to love that camera) I usually like to drop by if I think the weather will give some interesting light. The last couple of years have been pretty sweet! However, this last time was the jackpot! Talk about getting some great light... it was fantastic! I couldn't have hoped for better.

So I headed out to the local midway and took some of these "rockin'" shots. I was playing around with some of the settings and color modes. These are all out of the camera, no tweaking for the most part. (only 2 out of all of them have been tweaked)

You have got to love a ride that pays homage to hurricanes - check out the 'car' names below, haha.

These are all in-camera B&W, pretty nice job I thought. It's great that you can set the "filter" you want for your BW, like the old days with film - yellow, orange, red, green - they all give a different look. Most of these were done with the red filter, hence the dark skies.

Ed the carny barker - he use to shoot weddings

As you can see below, some of the settings are over the top saturated, the colors can get wild! Truth be told it really looked that wonderful. Just the perfect time of day.

Saw these guys and needed to shoot a couple of portraits. If you come across this blog, call me - we'll do some more. Devo?

Thing just kept getting better. A rainbow appeared, it turned out to be a full horizon to horizon 180 degree arch.

The sky just got darker

And then the rainbow twined, pretty dang sweet!

Could the light get any better? what do you think?

This is my favorite time of day to photograph

1000 - 1250 ISO

Not set up, just a kid walking past, and a fast trigger finger.

One of my favorite lemonades, yumm!

As mentioned, all the photos but 2 are straight out of the camera. All hand held, no tripod. Just seeing what can be done at 1250 ISO in the dusk.

I'm pretty impressed with the 5D.


At 9:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude - those shots rock. The rainbow ones are unreal!!

Glad to hear you're having so much fun with your 5D.....I knew you'd love it!! Bet you wish you got it sooner, huh?


At 11:11 AM, Blogger Jeremy Dueck said...

I got some great shots of the rainbow with the McDonald's sign in the photo. My retirement ticket.

It sure is nice to get the full frame sensor - I would have got the Nikon D700 when it comes out, but I made the jump.

The only thing is the weight of the camera with the 70-200 2.8. It's a great lens, but the package weighs 3x more than the D70 with 18-200.

I also don't like having to swap lens, but the 2.8 straight through is great!

At 12:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What do you mean 5D? Why not D700? What happened here?

At 1:44 PM, Blogger Jeremy Dueck said...

i like the 5D files, and it's almost half the price.

At 10:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

good point. did you ditch all things Nikon? Now I'm curious about your new Canon glass. Let's chat soon

At 8:43 AM, Blogger Whisky Prajer said...

Nice to see that Steinbach has reinstituted a fair. I can remember being a bummed-out nine-year-old the summer they finally bulldozed the dilapidated fair grounds. And those are indeed some swanky shots you've taken.

- Darrell


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