Jeremy Dueck Photography Inc.

Jeremy Dueck Photography - review albums, slide shows and proofs from your day


Light Works - Part 2

I often have made comments on this blog about light - how I see it and use it to my advantage to take something ordinary and sweeten it up to a "real" photograph. Just because you find something cool to shoot doesn't mean it is worth it. It needs to be done right. Here is a good example.

Was in the city today for a few errands and a PPOC meeting in the evening and in the early afternoon I came across this building, thought it would be a cool photo. Here's how it looked at 2:30 pm.

Pretty bad, something I would not be proud off. How do you think it would look like at the right time of day? Well fortunately on my way home I passed the same building, at the time of day that it should be shot. Light makes all the difference in the world, don't you think?

Here are a couple more cool photos, most of which would be boring in the middle of the day.

Again, these were shot with the Canon SD700. We're pushing the IS (image stabilization) to the max, shot hand held at 1/6 - 1/4 a second. Hence not the sharpest files. Really one should go back with a tripod and a 4x5.


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