Lesley + Mike

Lesley and Mike's wedding was a wonderful experience. I think Lesley should get into wedding planning. Lesley and her mother did all the work and I might add, did a wonderful job. The reception details and lanterns made for an endearing atmosphere.
Mike wanted great food, and we were not disappointed at all. The guests were treated to a wonderful European 7 course meal that was so fantastic! Certainly one on the best wedding meals I have ever had, hosted by the Winnipeg Winter Club. Kudos to chef Craig Guenther!
Lesley has the shoes of the year award so far

Lesley made a stunning bride, I'm hoping she'll want to do a "DayAfter" session.

One of Lesley's friends baked up this wonderful cake for them

Chef - Urban Prairie Cuisine Catering (formally "The Market 520") - Craig Guenther (friend of the bride and groom)
Wedding cake - Marianne Inocencio (friend of the bride) - amazing job I might add.
Flowers - Just in bloom - Justina Braun
And now a show of slides, just press play:
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