Jeremy Dueck Photography Inc.

Jeremy Dueck Photography - review albums, slide shows and proofs from your day


Pam and Stephen - ModBook

Small intimate wedding with 2 wonderful families looking on - Love how their book turned out. Simple and classy.


Kim and Robert - ModBook

Kim and Robert had a great wedding, how many people do you know that have ridden their horse through the Leo Moi Sculpture Garden in a white dress?

She went with an order of pocket books to compliment the main BrideBook.


Sara-Marie and Neal - ModBook


Feelin' like Santa

This past week I've been feeling like Santa. You see, it's been a week of none stop shipping to our studio of our clients finished ModBook wedding albums. I love the days when a client's book arrives at our studio - we get to see all the hard work in photography and design come to fruition in a wonderful story.

I often wish we could keep a copy of every book we designed - the finished product is that fantastic. It's actually hard to let them go.

The cool thing is our clients are just as pumped to get them into their hands.

So here's a few from this summer.


Trish and Bob - family shoot

family shoot in Winnipeg. MB

Trish and Bob - family session

Had a great time photographing Trish and Bob's family. Enjoy the images.


Paul Nicklen - National Geographic photographer

Paul Nicklen describes his most amazing experience as a National Geographic photographer - coming face-to-face with one of the arctic's most vicious predators. Amazing images! Enjoy.


Grand Wedding Showcase

Brides and Grooms, get ready to head on over to the Fort Garry Hotel in Winnipeg this weekend for the Grand Wedding Showcase. It's looking like it will be a wonderful event. Certainly the place to visit with people that will make your wedding dreams come together. I'll be at the W List booth showcasing Fine Art Wedding photography along with fellow members Joel Ross, Manny Sousa, Trevor Brucki and Patty Boge.

Come by and say hi.

See you there.



Lest We Forget

Please remember our fallen.