Jeremy Dueck Photography Inc.

Jeremy Dueck Photography - review albums, slide shows and proofs from your day


Colleen and Braeden | Steinbach Wedding

Enjoy their video here:

Colleen and Braeden from Jeremy Dueck on Vimeo.

Jan 8, 2011 wedding in Steinbach, Manitoba

From the first wedding of 2011, what a fantastic time with Colleen and Braeden. They had a huge wedding party, a lot of close friends, and a family that is dear to Heather and myself.

© Jeremy Dueck 2011 To view all the photos from the day and order prints, please follow this link


Winter with Lady Croft

One of my last shoots of the year was a quick shoot with Lady Croft, I just liked her coat and said, "let's do a shoot". It was fast because we were freezing, it was so cold!


Gregory Colbert

All I can say is his work is amazing! And he's Canadian.