Jeremy Dueck Photography Inc.

Jeremy Dueck Photography - review albums, slide shows and proofs from your day


IL Divo

Any IL Divo fans out there? They're not my favorite (I'm kinda into classic rock, like Pink Floyd, Stones and The Who), but my wife loves them. Seems it's hard to find a woman that doesn't. So I did my husband duty - and off to IL Divo we went. I didn't mind seeing them once - but I think that will be enough for me, unless we happen to be in Spain and they're singing at some great venue. Don't get me wrong, I think they are a very talented bunch of guys. Although I found the concert to be a bit contrived.

Any one else see the show? comments, thoughts?

Took a few shots with the SD700. Enjoy

Lighting Diagrams

Came across this fantastic little tool a while ago. Kevin Kertz made a .psd file for drawing lighting diagrams in Photoshop. This is sweet! If you are wanting to document your complicated lighting set up, now you have a better tool than that napkin you drew on during lunch. And you won't ever lose your work.

The photo:

And how it was done:

Like the shot above was complicated...

Snow Now?

That can wait till next winter. Thankfully I shot this back in Feb sometime. I really don't care for snow - unless I'm on a mountain and have skis strapped to my feet. Then it comes close to heaven. Shot with the Canon SD700. In fact these were test shots to see how the Image Stabilization worked. It's been quite handy to have.

Notice how these shots look a lot like the Caribbean Sky photos below? The same quiet light, and the art of seeing.


The Zen of Seeing - Cool Mixed Light

Again, just some quick shots with the point and shoot while shopping. It's neat to capture light when it happens.

PPOC National - Accepted

Got the results from the PPOC National Convention print show and this is my photo that got accepted and hung in the competition. I also entered Kira and Kris's wedding album. Seems the judges were very opposed with their opinions on that one. Some of them loved it and thought it was way above the norm - others thought it didn't have enough ceremony or reception photos to qualify as a wedding album. Maybe they should explain the criteria to a greater extent.

The convention was a blast. We meet some of the best photographers North America has to offer, and overall it was a wonderful learning experience.


Sepia Dreams

Just another image I like, so I thought I would share. Pretty much the same lighting as below.

Again, this photo has been treated with our distressing or "grunge" look - perfect for a wall print, like our Metallic Canvas Fusion.

Testing with the 5D

Just did some test shots with a Canon 5D the other day, kinda liked this photo of my assistant. Very simple one light setup.

Thanks for helping out.


VIP 2007

Starting tomorrow I'll be attending vip2007. It's the national convention for the PPOC, or Professional Photographers of Canada, where guest speakers come and lecture; and we get to hone up our skills. Should be pretty interesting. I entered a number of images into competition, so we'll look forward to the results.


Easter Morning

These photos were shot for a CD project I once worked on, I thought they might be appropriate for this Easter weekend.Luke 24:12 Peter, however, got up and ran to the tomb. Bending over, he saw the strips of linen lying by themselves, and he went away, wondering to himself what had happened.


Good Friday

Luke 22:19 And he took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, "This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me."

Mark 15:17
They put a purple robe on him, then twisted together a crown of thorns and set it on him.

Luke 23:45 for the sun stopped shining. And the curtain of the temple was torn in two.


Jenn and Jason - Art Book

Ok, just when you thought we weren't posting wedding stuff anymore; we have Jenn and Jason's Art Book. If this book looks a bit like Kira and Kris', well it's meant to, only this one is landscape instead of square. (your choice, and BTW this book would be stunning in metallic paper!)

Jenn was so captivated by that clean design she wanted a book that followed that look. I guess Jenn and Jason's book would fall under the Modern White, Exhibition design styling where emphasis is placed on each image with a lot of white space. It gives each photo a bit of space to breathe, allowing you to enjoy the composition of every picture. She decided to forgo packing the book full of photos for something she really wanted, something that she loved and something that is true to her personality.

That's the great thing about the digital design of the Story Book, or Art Book. They can be whatever you love. Packed full of photos telling the story of your day, or some of your favorite pictures encased in a stunning presentation - much like a coffee table book of a fine painter.

The choice is yours.


Light Works

And the light I saw...

This blog use to be called Light Works, kind of in homage to the old masters of photography that paid special attention to light. I have always been a fan of their work and strive to follow their foot steps when it comes to "seeing" light. Unfortunately many photographers don't understand the concept of light - or how to see it, use it, manipulate it into photographs that take the ordinary to the next step.

One of my clients asked me what I meant by Light Works. What did I mean when I wrote "I love the way light works"? Well I decided to show you. Now I will be the first to say that none of these photos are the end all, be all - or great works of art. Just think of them as an example of how I see light. In fact, almost all of these shots are just water and sky - shot off the ship's railing.

Your camera means very little when it comes to great photos. It has everything to do with how the person behind the lens sees. I wanted to challenge myself on our cruise. Could I take cool photos with just a point and shoot? There is something to be said for small pocket cameras, you can have them with you all the time - ready for great light. No thinking involved - everything is automatic. So all I brought was one digital point and shoot. It actually was very freeing. I ended up taking over 1700 photos on our trip.

Once again these were all taken with my Canon SD700 pocket camera. No filters, no high end camera or fancy Photoshop work (in fact, no cropping - images are full frame).

Just the way I saw light...

hope you enjoy.

Sunday, 4:11 pm

Sunday, 5:18 pm

Sunday 5:30 pm

Tuesday, 4:21 pm

Tuesday, 5:19 pm

Tuesday, 5:36 pm

Tuesday, 5:40 pm

Thursday, 5:21 pm

Friday, 5:05 pm

Friday, 5:06 pm subtle light whispers...

Friday, 5:08:21 pm

Friday, 5:08:29 pm

Friday, 5:12 pm

Friday, 5:26 pm
the belt of Venus

Friday, 5:38 pm

Did you take note of the times? Light in the Caribbean moves incredibly fast. It is the total opposite of up here in Canada. Our sunsets can last half an hour and afterglow can be hours. Notice that it was literally minutes down there. And the time? Yup, while most people were sitting down to eat I was running around creating these photos.

Light like this happens almost everyday. Unfortunately most people are too busy to see it.
