Jeremy Dueck Photography Inc.

Jeremy Dueck Photography - review albums, slide shows and proofs from your day


Lost Ansel Adams

Click to play and check out the amazing story of Ansel Adams 65 lost negatives.


Eden Dedication

Mike and Zarah Tinholt hired me to do a 2 part family project with them. Part one was Eden's dedication where family members from all around came into Winnipeg to celebrate. Special time for a special little girl. Enjoy,


Jackie and Bruce - second shooting with the Brucki

The other weekend my buddy Trevor Brucki shot the wedding of a couple that definitely have serious style, Jackie & Bruce. I was shooting a family session and Trev said, come on by and second shoot.

I couldn't say no, any bride that wears Christian Louboutin shoes is very hip in my book. Bruce and the guys had a great Rat Pack look as well. – so here are a few of my faves from the day. To see more shoe goodness and photos from the wedding check out Trev's Blog.

BTW, if you're too young to know or remember the Rat Pack - you're too young.