My Favorite Christmas Gift
My wife has bought me some of the coolest Christmas gifts over the years. Some of my favorites have been the iTouch, or another year a BBQ that sparked my interest in cooking with the flame (oh so tasty. She surprised me big time with that one. Never saw it coming, she got all the extras: glazes, sauces, rubs and wood chips - everything to peak my interest, and if you follow my blog or facebook - you know we love to cook outdoors and create wonderful dishes)
This year I'm going to have to go with something that came from somewhere else. (Sorry my Love, new TV we got is great, but this is... this is different.) Let me explain.
Many years ago during the late 80's, early 90's I was in a little blues band. Just a group of friends that decided to create Shotgun Angel and play some rocking blues around southern Manitoba in whatever venue we could find. Those were some great years of learning and getting into the music, but we practiced a lot and had our "set" of songs which I loved. But it was always "those" songs we played. (still love them today, but there is so much great music and songs out there).
After we disbanded, I ended up playing guitar in a worship band for the next 12 years along side various musicians of all caliber. I really enjoyed my time there but it still wasn't the music that my heart longs for and loves, nor did it compare to the days of old with my band.The gel of playing together wasn't quite there.
Fast forward to Dec 2010, a small restaurant in La Broquerie, Sunday's 3-8:00 at Raevin's Diner. A group of musicians that play together with a synergy that is well beyond the norm. Are we the best in the land? Far from it. But there is something great, almost magical when I get to sit in and play. For we are doing songs that half the band may or may not know, styles of music that I'm not the most comfortable with (country, trucker tunes, or old train ballads). In fact there are times I don't know where the next chord is, or what it happens to be. I'm thinking, "crap, I've never heard this song in my life! what can I do? how am I going to pull it off?"
And yet... and yet we do. Somehow deep inside you something comes out, and every once and a while it's magic. Big wonderful Stevie Ray Vaughan solos of killer guitar? No, just a wonderful gelling of music and space - a synergy of players that goes so deep it's almost spiritual. A give and take of allowing the next person the space to play, supporting them with the lightest of touch. Music that just comes from the soul. There is no practicing, no "let's go back and do that again". It's all about,"what can I do in that very moment of a song that I don't know, to make it my own?"
This is my favorite Christmas gift of 2010. To take me to a place where you are able to escape all the pressures and worries of life, and to play purely for the simple joy of it. To dig deep and create something from your heart. To listen to the stories that are being told as each player steps out - to enjoy the music as a whole. Pure. Simple. Joy.
I have found what I have been longing for, after 22 years - I'm home.