Jeremy Dueck Photography Inc.

Jeremy Dueck Photography - review albums, slide shows and proofs from your day


Open House Holiday Style

This weekend on Sunday Feb. 1st we will be at the Holiday Inn Airport West (west Portage Ave.) from 12:00 - 3:00 for their annual Brides' Open House. Please stop by and say hello! They always have great food to sample, and it might be the place to get last minute ideas for your wedding plans.

We look forward to touching base with some of our clients as they stop by, and if it suits you - please come and partake of the Holiday Inn's hospitality.

And if you're up and about stop by and see my fellow W_List member Trevor at the Greenwood.

See you there!


Nice words from my Hero

I've always loved Annie Leibovitz. In fact she is a big influence in my work and vision of photography. She has crossed all genre and is truly one of the greats.

Thought I would share this:


Wedding Show Exit

Well once again the Wonderful Wedding Show has come and gone for another year. Thanks to all the couples that stopped by my booth. It was great to see my new brides for this summer and really wonderful to visit with my brides from the past.

I hope that all your wedding plans are coming together and you're enjoying this year of prep.

If you still haven't booked your photographer, give me a call and we'll help you out.

On another note, I forgot to mention my winner Marlene Fast. so I'll be donating to Caner Care in her honor.


The Who and The What

Today is the day we announce the Who and the What this whole W thing is all about.

Introducing.....The W List!!

I honored to be a part of this project and one of the 6 founding members. We've been working on The W List for quite some time now, and it's exciting to finally see it take form.

For most of you, your wedding is the largest event you will ever host. It is the most money you will ever spend, for one day, on products and services you have never used, with people you have never met. Choosing the right vendor is second to choosing the right spouse. The people you choose will handle the finest of details for the largest, most meaningful event of your lives.

So, how do you choose the best wedding vendor?

In this sea of choices, it can be hard to determine what makes one vendor different from the other. The W List is a collection of leading wedding vendors that Manitoba has to offer. When trusting any of our members to be a part of your wedding event you can rest assured you’ll receive world class service.

At The W List, we don’t live up to the standard. We CREATE the standard!

There are a lot of exciting plans in place for The W List, including the addition of more wedding vendors. Stay tuned over the next little while as things start to unfold.

Visit The W List website to learn more about the organization and those who have been hand selected to be a member. Be sure to view the amazing porfolios of my fellow rockin' photographers.




Because YOU deserve the very best! Don't you?

Be sure to check back again for the announcement on Friday!


W is for

I was reading some of the comments on Trevor's blog for the W contest. Man I love this one:

WORCESTERSHIRE sauce....How in the heck do you pronounce that again?? - Don and Lori

Something is coming....very soon. It's related to this promo that I have going on with the letter W. This is like W5, only better - so the what's the where?

The Winnipeg

Check out this video with Larry King and the letter W for answers


More W

More W greatness


Brought to you by the letter W

Man I loved Sesame Street when I was a kid! Songs like "we all live in a Capital I", and "Lower case n"

Or how about this classic?

What does the letter W stand for?

My bud Trevor has a contest on his blog asking people to comment what they think it stands for. Oh man I'm in on that action! Tell you what, post your guesses in the comments below and I'll draw from your names and give $30 to cancer research for you. Draw will close Jan 16th.

Comment away!

PS. I'm donating to Cancer Care, they happened to call this morning for support.


Marlene's Hanging

Just got back from my friend Marlene Fast's Art Exhibit at the Steinbach Arts Council Gallery. If you have a moment, go check it out - she has some wonderful images, some of the best prints are from her recent trip to Africa.

Great work Marlene, all the best!