Jeremy Dueck Photography Inc.

Jeremy Dueck Photography - review albums, slide shows and proofs from your day


Dangerous Path

How many of you folks would walk this path in Caminito del ray in el Chorro, Spain? Click on this link to view the video.

This is crazy!! I think I might have a hard time walking that. Here is a bit more info on Caminito del ray.


Steak - and it's better than Bill's Gamblin' Hall

I love steak. There I said it. And truth be told I was the one to convince Trev and Lois to go to Bill's Gamblin' Hall and Casino for their $14.95 steak. As it turns out - it wasn't very great, in fact it wasn't very good at all. (okay the potato was good. You can read about our experience here on Trev's blog.) The whole lime vs. lemon thing was worth it though. Apparently our server didn't know the difference between green and yellow.

Tonight my wife and I BBQ'd our own steak. Now that is always a treat. We make one mean Rib-Eye!! Cooked over maple and apple wood, aged over 21 days - juicy and tender! It was so good! Nay - Fantastic I would even say! (I love to BBQ, one of my all time favorite ways to cook.)

I guess I owe Trevor and Lois a real steak. So come on over for the real thing.

And sorry about Bill's.


Diane Arbus

Joe Photo had a great quote on his blog today:

"I always thought of photography as a naughty thing to do -- that was one of my favorite things about it, and when I first did it, I felt very perverse." - Diane Arbus

Diane Arbus

Documentary, Photojournalism


Portraits In Las Vegas

When you travel with other photographers to a cool location the cameras are bound to come out, so I thought I would post some sweet photos of Lois and Trev that I took, and then one he took of me.

Trev has the same photos on his site, I just like my crops. I'm use to shooting a square from when I shot my Hasselblad - kind of miss it.

Which of these do you like better? the BW one or the color?


Home from Vegas

Well I'm back from Vegas and the biggest WPPI event that they have ever had. Apparently 12000 photographers came to Sin City to learn, share and network. It was a blast! I'll be posting some of the good times and photos from my week in the gleaming lights of Las Vegas.

Unfortunately I had an awful flight home - left Vegas at 1:00 am with a 3 hour stop in Minneapolis that turned into +4 hours because of a big snow storm. Most of the airport was delayed and I managed to get into Winnipeg around 11:25 am. What is that? 10.5 hours of travel time? That's crazy! The direct flight that Trev and Lois were on was something like 3.5 hours.

Moral - fly direct.


Happy Easter!

Hope you had a great Easter weekend!


Sin City Baby!

Seems like half of Winnipeg's wedding photographers are heading to Viva Las Vegas in a day or two. Well I'm no exception - I'm hitting the streets of Sin City myself for the big WPPI convention.

Should be great - learning from the top shooters in the business, finding new albums and products to offer our clients. And maybe a bit of black jack magic.

I'm pretty pumped as this will be my first time in the land of Elvis, aliens and Area 51. I'll be checking emails, so best to contact me at, I'm back on Mar. 22.
