Back but not Happy
If you have been following our blog you know my wife and I went on our "one" vacation for the year. It was fantastic!
Well we're back!! (actually been home for a couple of weeks.) The sad thing is we came home to the news that our good friends Trev and Lois lost their baby girl. So it's been a couple of very sad weeks. It was tough to go to the funeral - but we totally appreciated what Paul Wartman had to say. Thanks for keeping it real.
On Trevor's blog he talks about the NOW I LAY ME DOWN TO SLEEP foundation. This has been something I've thought about doing for a while. In fact a year ago I was talking to Trevor about this very thing. Of course we both thought NOW I LAY ME DOWN TO SLEEP would be very difficult to actually do. I totally support Trev in his decision - in fact it spurs me on to get involved as well. Unfortunately my wife and I know 6 couples whose infants were still born or passed away shortly after. It's always tragic.
I believe NOW I LAY ME DOWN TO SLEEP is a fantastic way to honor these children and help the healing come to the parents of these little ones.
Kennedy Olivia is such a beautiful girl, we miss her dearly. Heather and I see a lot of Lois in her.