Jeremy Dueck Photography Inc.

Jeremy Dueck Photography - review albums, slide shows and proofs from your day


Back but not Happy

If you have been following our blog you know my wife and I went on our "one" vacation for the year. It was fantastic!

Well we're back!! (actually been home for a couple of weeks.)
The sad thing is we came home to the news that our good friends Trev and Lois lost their baby girl. So it's been a couple of very sad weeks. It was tough to go to the funeral - but we totally appreciated what Paul Wartman had to say. Thanks for keeping it real.

On Trevor's blog he talks about the
NOW I LAY ME DOWN TO SLEEP foundation. This has been something I've thought about doing for a while. In fact a year ago I was talking to Trevor about this very thing. Of course we both thought NOW I LAY ME DOWN TO SLEEP would be very difficult to actually do. I totally support Trev in his decision - in fact it spurs me on to get involved as well. Unfortunately my wife and I know 6 couples whose infants were still born or passed away shortly after. It's always tragic.

I believe
NOW I LAY ME DOWN TO SLEEP is a fantastic way to honor these children and help the healing come to the parents of these little ones.

Kennedy Olivia is such a beautiful girl, we miss her dearly. Heather and I see a lot of Lois in her.


Leaving again

Well today my wife and I are once again leaving this:

For the wonderful blue of the Caribbean

We can hardly wait - it is a much needed vacation! We'll be back in the office on Feb 25th. Till then I will be checking my emails and will try to get back to you when I can.

Look forward to some new blogs when we return. Some photos from the trip, and we'll start a series of informative blogs for your wedding and portrait pleasure.

Ciao, from your Winnipeg Wedding Specialist.


Death of High Fidelity

Most of my friends know that I'm an analog man. Digital is taking over the world and truth be told, not all of it is great, especially when it comes to audio. I'm a die hard. I do listen to CD's but my CD player has vacuum tubes in it. My stereo amp is all tube as well. A well played vinyl LP is out of this world. With my system I hear music that is so 3D and real that it makes you believe the artist is standing in front of you - right there, 5 feet away.

I'm not a fan of compression in the digital world at all. MP3's are handy, but they suck when it comes to sound quality. Just came across this article, it explains what I mean...

You know it really is sad that 99% of people haven't heard high fidelity audio.

"The age of the audiophile is over."

Not in my studio, not in mine...

Albert Watson - Inspiration

A lot of people ask me where my inspiration comes from. How do I keep fresh, or what motivates me to shoot. Others have noticed that photography is my 'life' my passion - I live it every day. If you go back in time on this blog you'll notice I think about light all the time.

Albert Watson has always been a huge influence on my work. He is one of the great masters I have always looked up too, I absolutely love his work! (if you get a chance to see his work, remember most of it was film and the majority on 4x5).

Albert Watson defies boundaries. Most photographers are 'a wedding photographer', or 'portrait' or 'still life' photographer. Albert is a 'photographer's' photographer. It matters not what he photographs, his single-minded commitment to perfection comes through in every photo. He knows no bounds. He has been named one of the top 20 influential photographers of all time.

I couldn't agree more.

Here he talks about how he got there. My thoughts exactly.

Thanks Mr. Watson.

Happy Valentine's Day!! - Gifts that Suck

Came across 3 gifts that should not be a part of your quiver of love if you want it to last:

#3 Heart Remote Control

Because tacky doesn't need to limit itself to everyday stuff like your wardrobe, your car and your general state of being, this little gem was created for the trailer park princess in your life. Sadly devoid of rhinestones, this remote comes with a spot for engraving, so she can never deny that she once dated someone retarded enough to think this was a good gift.

#2 Truthful Valentine's Card

#1. Q-Pig

Romance and swine have had a sordid history at best. Rare is the woman who likes being associated with pigs and frankly, if it's not bacon, there are probably very few men who like it either. Nonetheless, some intrepid soul designed Q-Pig, a fat little pink Valentine take off of Cupid, complete with toga and his own rap song.

And finally, if you are still looking for love might we suggest:

Happy Valentine's Day from all of us!